“We have an obligation to change the narrative.”

When it comes to fighting for the rights of immigrants, data and information is more than a commodity. It is a necessity. ICE is a rogue organization that hides information from the public. Thus, it has been Centro Legal’s mission to not only capture accurate information, but also depict and relay accurate stories from our clients to the community. 

Mario Martinez, Post-Release Accompaniment Program (PRAP) Coordinator at Centro Legal, has been the force behind streamlining our intake processes and better capturing the stories of our clients detained by ICE. Read more…

Centro Legal’s Impact in the Face of Threats to Immigrant Rights 

It seems like everyday, the horrors of the current administration’s actions doubles down. Just recently, it was widely reported that ICE detention centers are performing nonconsensual hysterectomies on an unknown number of women currently detained in an ICE facility located in Georgia. At times, combating these monstrous systems can feel insurmountable.

However, there are thousands of immigration advocates, activists, and attorneys working everyday to ensure the dignified and humane treatment of immigrants. Hope is not lost. As a matter of fact, the Immigration Rights team at Centro Legal de la Raza has been working tirelessly on impactful affirmative lawsuits to protect as many immigrants as possible. Read More…

“A threat is looming.” 

There is a threat looming. Several reports state that ICE agents plan to increase raids in sanctuary cities. As a founding member of the Alameda County Immigration Legal and Education Partnership (ACILEP), a coalition of nonprofits serving immigrants, Centro Legal de la Raza has been a rapid response and immigration legal service provider. This ongoing threat to our communities is why we continue to provide a rapid response to the legal needs of Alameda County residents. Families are facing imminent deportation and adverse action as a result of immigration enforcement activities like raids in homes, workplaces, schools, and neighborhoods. Read more…

Changing the things we cannot accept.

“I’m no longer accepting the things I cannot change… I’m changing the things I cannot accept.” – Angela Davis

The current federal administration immigration’s policies are abysmal – deplete of human dignity, constitutional rights, and compassion. While Centro Legal’s Immigration Team works with clients who need high quality legal services, we know that it is not enough to address these grave injustices one case at a time. Rather, we see the immigration system in dire need of systemic change. 

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the crises at detention centers have only skyrocketed. Detainees have detailed the complete lack of healthcare or basic adherence to recommended COVID-19 safety protocols. In fact, COVID-19 has ravaged ICE detention centers across the country. In the Mesa Verde detention facility, 32 out of 70 people tested positive. Seeing this alarming rate of infection, Centro Legal’s Immigration Team got to work right away. Read More…

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