Read our most recent report.


  • A total of 513 tenants and homeowners have received legal services in the first year of Oakland Housing Secure.
  • Increased legal services capacity has improved outcomes in eviction defense and increased the number of tenants reached through early intervention services.
  • The vast majority of Oakland residents served through the program are extremely low-income.
  • Additional successful efforts have been made to ensure that the African American community is served.
  • Legal service providers are able to keep a majority of clients represented in unlawful detainer lawsuits in their home.
  • Preliminary data shows that six months after services, all the respondents surveyed were still living in Oakland and none were homeless.
  • Tenant legal services providers see a pattern of landlords repeatedly attempting to evict vulnerable long term rent-controlled tenants on bad-faith grounds.
  • The OHS Emergency Financial Assistance (EFA) program disbursed $52,904 to tenants and $35,891 to homeowners for a total of $88,796 in its first six months of operation. The usage of EFA grants is increasing.
  • The widespread availability of emergency financial assistance has substantially improved advocates’ ability to defend tenants against evictions and keep homeowners in their homes.